Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Misdiagnosed and then BAM!

Shortly after I had my second son, I developed thyroid problems which was quickly diagnosed as Hypothyroidism. I had a few complications with the medication, but nothing to write home about. Over the years, they adjusted my hormone dose a few times and that was that. 

Over the past few years, my symptoms of classic Hypothyroidism became more and more intense. I began to suspect that something was amiss. I questioned my family doctor and even laid out my concerns to the Internal Medicine Specialist just to get a pat on the head and told that it was "okay."  That these were just side effects of the other medications that I have to take. 

As time went on and the symptoms became too much to bear, especially the chronic fatigue and joint aches, I knew that something was definitely not right. 

I asked for a referral to an Endocrinologist. I was basically told that I was being ridiculous and that they were backlogged. But at my insistence, they would forward my records on and see if my case was worth seeing me for. 

I finally received a call and made my appointment. You cannot imagine my relief when I was assigned a P.A. who was so thorough and truly interested in my health history. She even helped me connect the dots.  

She ran some extensive blood work and sent me home with some instructions for some more labs over the weekend. 

I left her office with a certainty that I had been misdiagnosed and that my HT was actually Hashimoto's disease. I am a walking textbook of symptoms for the condition. 

When my phone rang on Monday, I fully expected the confirmation of the HD diagnosis. What I didn't expect to follow was the, "Oh, and btw, you're pre-diabetic. Borderline. You need to be on medication."  

It completely blew my mind and 36 hours later, I still haven't wrapped my head around it. 

So, I'm living without gluten and now without my daily Carmel latte that I have had every single day since I was 14. I definitely don't feel well.  Finding anything suitable to eat is a challenge. 

I know that this is going to get worse before it gets better. 

I'm trying to remember to count my blessings, but my heart is heavy and I feel completely overwhelmed. I really need some prayers and guidance. 


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